Saturday, May 11, 2013

hi there. i have trouble remembering to update this thing.
its probably easier to keep up with nesey gallons stuff at the facebook here.

or visit my tumblr.

or for stupidity maybe the twitter.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

blackout era by smouldering porches

now available at bandcamp.

if you contributed to the present kickstarter expect a download code in your email by april 1st.
email if there is a problem and i will try to figure stuff out with the
production company.

athens fog by smouldering porches

Friday, February 8, 2013

smouldering porches

new smouldering porches album coming soon.
a "southern winter 2" of sorts, consisting mostly of unrecorded or unfinished material from that era.

still no title. i dont think i can bring myself to actually call it southern winter 2 though.

it is what contributors to the "present" kickstarter project will receive.

expect before the month is out.

waves in my boots, tsarina blaireau, unfamiliar, raluca, chimney swifts,
flicker street, athens fog, blue brunswick, not suffering, quebec bells, north pole, ???????????????????????